Saturday 20 April 2019


April 20, 2019

Can I get a bottle of red wine?, he said. I looked down at the voice that spoke and wooow. Not only did his voice turn me on but his physique took my breathe away. I had to open my mouth to grab some air. Wuuuw, that nearly choked me, I thought. 

Hello, can you hear me? Mahn, I was far gone in my thoughts. Got to the part were I remove his shirt then someone held my hand and shock it so hard that I nearly fell.
Yes Sir, which brand please?, I asked. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him.

Mr. Zen, 27, is one of the richest bachelors in Accra. He owns a fleet of companies, inherited from his father at the age of 17. He has over 10k followers on Instagram and 8k are obviously females, Ghana girls make wild. He has never posted any female picture on his page before, maybe he has and deleted but as at now, he is clear.

I am Kezia, 25, the best waiter at Holiday Inn with a Degree in Law and Masters in International Business. Fast forward, life hit me and I had to be a waiter, that’s what you might be thinking right? Lol... The truth is I have everything I need in life but to take over my father’s company, I have to serve for a year, specifically as a waiter.

Mr. Zen called me to bring his bill, he paid up, added a tip and left. The day couldn’t have been any better.
I still couldn’t get him out of my head. I thought of all the things I could do to him, if he should just get out of my head and get into my bed.

I went home early that day and went straight to bed. I woke up around 8pm and couldn’t sleep again, so I decided to take a drive around and maybe get a cocktail at a nice restaurant.

Five minutes after moving out of the house, I heard and felt a loud bang at the back of my car that nearly moved me into the main street. I stepped out of my car sooo furious and boiling of anger. The craziness in me was triggered and I soo poured my anger on this man who was looking at the damage he has caused. He turned and it was my boss at work. I rudely dropped my car keys in his hand, told him to fix my car and walked away before he could say that word ‘sorry’. 

Mr. Plange, 28 years, divorced at age 27. That is my boss. I heard he is a gold digger and would only date girls from rich homes. He has already started being too nice and playful with me. He really doesn’t know how he gets on my nerves. He is in my territory today. I’m happy I didn’t spare him.

I picked a taxi and went to the nearest pub to have my cocktail and calm my nerves. I looked further ahead from where I was sitting and behold, I saw the best person to calm my night, Zen. I picked my glass and walked straight to his side, sat by him and whispered in his ears, “I’m having a rough day and I wouldn’t mind a random rough ride”. I was hoping to see an awkward look on his face but he just kept smiling and sipping on some Moët.

“Nice to meet you again waitress”, he said. I burst out in laughter for like a minute and introduced myself properly. He drew closer, grabbed my waist and kissed my neck. He pulled me out of the pub straight to his car and drove off. I couldn’t keep my hand off him, he kept staring and smiling. Then he stopped the car in front of Crystal park at East Legon, got down and grabbed me to the back seat.

His body was firm and smooth as I unbuttoned his shirt. His waxed broad chest pressed on my body as he kissed me all over. He tickled my ears with his tongue, as he reach for his tie and blindfolded me. I could feel myself dripping gold, lol. He lifted my top a bit and my bra fell off. He sucked on my boobs, tickling my nipples with his teeth and robbing on my clits at the same time. He moved down to my abdomen, lifted my skirt and used his teeth to drag my pant off. He moved his tongue down to my clits and licked the craziness out of me. I was moaning so loud, I couldn’t hold my breathe. I tried touching him but he held my hand away. He sucked the juices out of me not to talk of those multiple orgasms and squirts. 

What is Kezia getting herself into? Subscribe for part 2. Be the first to read. 

To be continued...
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Monday 4 June 2018

Crushed Fantasy

June 04, 2018
Crushed Fantasy

Wandering in the streets of Osu, beating myself up of how careless I could be. 

Three hours ago, I thought I had it all figured out but I guess I didn’t start my day well. 

I woke up with excitement , prayed and quickly dash out for an interview. The interview went well and I was soo excited about my new investors. I couldn’t wait for all the documents to be finalized. With excitement, I decided to call my best friend, Tsiwah for some ice cream to celebrate.

Tsiwah and I have been friends for over ten (10) years. She is my ride or ride. A single entrepreneur and very ambitious.

We spoke till I got a taxi to quickly meet her up at Pinkberry. The taxi moved from Papaye heading towards Labone. I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to share my joy with my best friend.

When we got to KFC, I decided to cash some money at the nearest ATM.  I quickly rushed out of the car and went straight to the machine but it was out of service like any typical four out of five ATMs, I turned and the taxi, my hand bag and heels were all gone.

Oh Lord of Mercy and compassion, my ruined day had just began. All this happened so fast. No money to pick a car, This left me frustrated in the middle of Osu. All I had left was just me and my phone. Ohhhh Yes, talking about phones, It clicked my mind to request for Uber and pay with my card or mobile money.

The Uber arrived in about five minutes and I sat in like a Queen with no cash, lol. Oh my God, manna from heaven, how did you find yourself behind the wheels. The Uber driver was finneeeee. I checked my makeup and breath , just to be sure I was good to go. We had a pretty good chit chat throughout the journey till I got to my destination.

When we got to Pinkberry, Tsiwah had left and I had no money to pay the Uber driver. But I thought I had money in my mobile money account and even on my card. Everything seemed so weird and abnormal. The Uber driver offered to take me home for free and pay him some other time.

I thought that was amazing and anyone could hardly find such drivers lately. Some drivers will insult you and think you got all that planned out.

I had no option than to hop back in for that free ride. We had an amazing trip back to my house. He was funny, a picture freak and hey before I forget, he was using an iPhone X. Hahahaha, it felt like meeting a prince in disguise, finding the perfect bride.

We finally reached my house and we had to say goodbye. “It was great meeting you”, i said and added, “hey, next time I meet you, I will dance with you”. We hugged but it felt weird again, like something way too heavy on me. The next thing I heard was Jackie’s voice. 

Jackie is my niece. She is 2years old and she is the most adorable and smart kid I have ever seen. My room is the first place she comes when she wakes up. Her voice was becoming too loud in my ears, I opened my eyes and there she was in her pyjamas. 

Seriously, that whole mixed up feelings day was just a dream? I smiled and hoped to dance with him anytime I really see him, like in the movies.

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Friday 17 November 2017


November 17, 2017
Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: (Luke 6:37)

The Holy Bible clearly stated that we should not judge, but the majority of human beings have decided to forget the consequences of judging someone; that you will also be judged. We open our mouths to talk about others like we have not stepped on the planet earth full of sin before.
Why don’t you drink water and mind your own business!

All of us have rotten bones in our cupboard but don’t make it a habit to jump into conclusion and talk about someone’s misfortune. The fact that you didn’t have that experience doesn’t mean your situation is any different.

Who are you to judge your fellow man! What is your business in someone’s choices? Remember, God gave us the will to make choices, he only wished or entreated us to choose right. If you won’t choose the path someone has chosen, it doesn’t give you the right to judge them or impose your choices on them.

Recently, Yvonne Nelson posted about her pregnancy and the ‘quick judges’ started throwing tantrum. Is it your life? Is it your body? Is it your pregnancy? She only posted her picture to inform and you are only entitled to your opinion, not your judgement!
The funny thing is those who keep judging others always have a lesser life than the person they are judging! Imagine the level of Yvonne Nelson and a university student who hasn’t yet seen anything in life is judging her. AAAAAAHHHHHHBA!!! How many of our parents got married before starting a family? Check your life, from you to your family members before you judge.

A celebrity posted Bobrisky’s picture to wish him a happy birthday and the comments to the post were terrible. Bobrisky chose to be whoever he is and he didn’t need your permission to do that. Nobody is less of a human being than others. The fact that his path does not seem ‘normal’ to you does not make it abnormal or out of the world. STOP JUDGING!

For what is worth, keep your negative opinions to yourself, rather, encourage, congratulate, be proud of others and gain weight or lose weight. Drink water and mind your business! 
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Wednesday 6 September 2017


September 06, 2017

At the age of 30, most men feel they are ready to get married! They sit in the midst of their friends and pass comments like, " I am ready to marry", "I have been eating outside for a very long time so I need a wife", "my mother needs grandchildren" amongst others. Do men really marry for the right purpose of marriage or for a caretaker? I think most men marry for a caretaker!

For most of human history, people didn’t marry because of their feelings for one another. Feelings didn’t matter in the ancient world. Why?

Because to hell with feelings, there are fields to plow and cows to feed and holy crap Attila the Hun just massacred your entire extended family the next village over.
Marriage was meant for baby-making and sound finances.

For most of human history, for the majority of humanity, their sustenance and survival hung by a tiny thread. People had shorter life expectancies than my mother’s teacup. Everything you did had to be done for the simple sake of survival. Marriages were arranged by families not because they liked each other, and especially not because they loved each other, but because their farms went together nicely, and the families could share some cocoa or corn when the next flood or drought hit.

Marriages were a purely economic arrangement designed to promote the survival and prosperity of both extended families.

In our history, there has been a drastic change from marrying for survival to the actual purpose of marriage; companionship, love, support, partnership and so on.

As a man getting married in the 21st century, you have to consider your status and the status of the kind of woman you want to marry. For instance, if you are an average educated farmer in a village, you marry a woman who will be a caretaker because to you numbers count or you expect to find food on your table after a long day's work.

But if you are a man, enjoying the dynamics of the world just as the woman you want to marry, then as your life changes, that indigenous mindset also changes!


In this case, you don't expect to find food always ready, you are expected to cook when your wife is busy with work, with the kids or you help your wife in the kitchen to get food ready and eat together! That is companionship, support, love, partnership; the purpose of marriage.

If a man marries for babies, he tends to leave the marriage if his wife is not able to get pregnant. If he marries for the sake of having a cook, he ends up cheating when he doesn't get the reason for the marriage! No wonder there is a cheap saying that, "the way to a man's heart is through the stomach ". This is causing a lot of divorce and separation in today's marriages. 

Find your purpose of marriage and choose a bride.
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Tuesday 15 August 2017


August 15, 2017

I used to think love was how you feel about someone. I thought it was when you feel butterflies in your stomach and you can’t breathe!

I thought love was when you couldn’t stay a day without your partner or go a day without thinking about them.

I thought having sex with that person was love or will make you feel loved.

I thought love was when you feel and think about someone to the point that you can’t resist or you are too obsessed over the person.

I used to think love conquers all, because that is what they make us believe in movies but you see is not like that in real life.
From the time we were born we are inundated with the belief that love is a feeling and that when you find “the one” you’ll sense it in your gut and be overcome by an undeniable sense of knowing.

If love is not a feeling, then what is it?

Love is action. Love is tolerance. Love is learning your partner’s love language and then expressing love in a way that he can receive. Love is giving. Love is receiving. Love is patient.  Love is kind. 
Love is selfless. Love is hopeful. Love is respect. Love is support.

Love is recognizing that it’s not your partner’s job to make you feel alive, fulfilled, or complete; that’s your job. And it’s only when you learn to become the source of your own aliveness and are living your life connected to the spark of genius that is everyone’s birthright can you fully love another.

Love is many things in different colours, in different circumstances.  You do not have to love, you choose to love. I think, it is when you feel you are falling out of love that is when you are really beginning to love. Real love does not have its roots from the feeling of love, instead when you are lacking that feeling.

You don’t have to encourage it, or welcome it, but you better learn to suck it up from time to time. We have mythologized love to such an extent that people are no longer prepared for the realities of long-term relationships. We are taught that it is good not to compromise, not to put up with anything we don’t like, not to sacrifice our own beliefs for anyone or anything.

Yet compromise and sacrifice are the cornerstones of marital love. Sugarcoat it in anyway, if you respect and support each other without any expectation of something in return or if each person is primarily valued for the relationship itself- not for their job, status, appearance, success or anything else, then give yourselves some love.

Love is a grace we give one another.

Love is sometimes effortful, but it’s not based on someone else’s effort.

Love is what happens when we open our hearts and allow the love that naturally lives inside to flow forth.

Love, by its very definition, is unconditional.

Love is a gift.

Love is why we’re here.

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Tuesday 11 July 2017


July 11, 2017

When I first met you, it was magical even though you hit my car, you ruined my birthday cake and my birthday!

You gave me your business card and I bluntly refused and you insisted on a lunch date, with that sweet smile I accepted.

We started off as friends, you were kind, caring, loving, generous and a gentleman! You bought me gifts every time we met.

You made promises to protect and love me even more! Promises upon promises. I never frowned or cried. Your presence was just joy unspeakable, I smiled each day just knowing I will hear from you or see you at my door with roses and chocolates!

Then we got married! Marriage was suppose to be a blessing but that blessing turned into something else.

Do you even remember all the promises you made? All of them?

You stopped buying gifts for me! Those little things made me smile but you stopped doing them! Now my beautiful face can't remember the last time it smiled.

Opening doors became a big deal to you! I never asked you to start but I fell in love with that too. What came over you? Cause being with you now feels like I'm living a lie.

Ohhhh! The worse part of all was when you made it seem you always cooked for me. I had a man to help me when I was tired or sick but I swallowed your lie when I realized you only bought the food from restaurants!

I picked an attitude to frustrate you just to know how you made me feel cause I was tired of complaining and talking! I got soo tired, unwanted and depressed! Depression moved me to eat sooo much and grew fat. But still didn't see anything wrong with what you were doing to me!
Now my heart aches when i see you!

Love, love makes you make difficult promises, they may seem simple and small but giants in their own way!


I worked things out with my husband and I am the voice for women going through what I went through.

Don't stop reminding him of what he is doing wrong! Don't stop praying! Don't stop talking the word!

Things will fall in place with time!

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Monday 10 July 2017


July 10, 2017

Things Needed        Quantity

Lemon                          1/2
Tomato                         1/2
Honey                          1tsp
Towel Tissue

  • Wash your face with warm water.
  • Wipe with tissue.
  • Squeeze tomato and lemon juice into strainer and drain into a neat container.
  • Add honey and stir mixture.
  • Apply on your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your face with warm water and cold water after.
  • Dab with tissue and moisturize your face.
Do this three times a week.

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Thursday 6 July 2017


July 06, 2017

They say women are complicated and don’t really know what they want. Women are said to have long books of complications. Women are complicated but at least they can be seen through easily.
There are so many books and articles on how to understand a woman but few on men. I think men are more complicated than women, which is why there are few solutions on how to understand them.

A man will say he doesn’t want his girlfriend to care too much but has a problem if she tends to be carefree. As a girlfriend, you are the first to say good morning to him and the last person you talk to before sleeping. His need is your need and you always want to be in his good books but then, he complains you care too much. Caring for him might not be an act, so you go through a lot just to not really care again, and now he complains or starts to act up. WHAT DO THEY REALLY WANT?

A man will tell his girlfriend he doesn’t like to be asked too many questions, especially the question “where are you?” but that’s the first question they ask when they call. Most men don’t like questions not for any genuine reason but for the fact that they can’t be consistent and also makes them feel they are being too open and plain with you. His girlfriend stops asking questions and he complains she acts too naive and again carefree. Amazing Creatures right! lol!



Every man wants to feel like the hero, to save the day. They don’t want to be your Clark Kent but your Superman. Sometimes, give them that opportunity or create that opportunity for him to feel he saved the day.


Men also need some loving. Because they NEED to feel that when they stack the dishes in the sink like a five year-old, say the wrong thing in front of your friends, leave the toilet seat up, get too logical, forget something you’ve said a thousand times, that you love them anyways. Because inside every man is a boy who forgets he’s a man sometimes. And every boy gets into things, not because he’s bad but because he’s got a curious mind. Unconditional support from a woman is what will snap them out of their boyish behavior and inject them with a desire to be a stronger man. Only when you accept them as they are, who they are, will they want to become someone better.


Many women don’t tell their men how they feel because they don’t want to rock the boat, or they’re afraid. The truth is when you don’t express yourself, you leave men in the dark. They don’t really know the truth of you. You are prepackaging and presenting parts of your life instead of doing your whole life with them.


Effective Communication! Without it, relationships are built on sand. A man wants his partner to communicate directly not give clues. Spell out what you want clearly, don’t beat about the bush or give attitude and expect him to understand. He is not a soothsayer to read your mind. If you want them to want to do the dishes, OK, then tell them. Explain and model how you would like them to communicate back.

For many man, communication is not a speciality. They need some guidance. Generally speaking, men tend to pull from a logical place. Women pull from an emotional place. If you can meet them at logic, they will match your emotions, hopefully. But they need you to tell them.


Men may not say it, because how do you tell the person you love to get a life? But they really want their partner to have their own life. Really, men want their partners to have their own set of friends, activities, and passions. Of course your husband or boyfriend want to be supportive of everything you care about and be a part of anything you would like them to be a part of, but they want you to have your own identity.

Because if you have nothing that is yours, the relationship is standing on one leg. Also, if you have your own life, it forces your man to get his own life as well or risk losing you. Forget legs, put your relationship on wheels. One is yours. One is his. And together, you’ll ride.

All in all, my advice to all women is: DO EXACTLY WHAT A MAN SAYS YOU SHOULD NOT DO (not the bad behaviours and attitudes, but that cute thing he discourages you from doing). Whatever you do that he complains about, actually gets to him and makes him soft, therefore, he doesn’t want to seem vulnerable. Don’t worry, he will stop complaining.

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Tuesday 4 July 2017


July 04, 2017

I don't know what you think happiness might mean...
Some people think when you have all that you want or when you laugh or have peace or joy, yeah it isn't bad to think like that...

But I think happiness is when all the people you love, love you back!
Happiness is when you have a family that loves you endlessly!
Happiness is that your smiles brighten up someones day!
Happiness is making someone else as happy as you are!

Life is short, why should you get angry or frown?
Why should you be broken-hearted and wish you never lived?
Life shouldn't be short for anyone!
Live life as it ought to be lived. Love more like love ends tomorrow, be selfless, laugh, jump around, make merry.

I feel the world would have been a better place without malice, hatred, tears, anger, backbiting, gossip, envy among others!

Take a week out and decide not to get angry, hate, fight or all the things that bring your mood down and focus on being happy, kind and most importantly love more.

You might think it's too late for you to have all these good feelings but there is no perfect time than now! Your happiness is right inside of you! Reach out for it! I love you but God loves you more!

See also 
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Thursday 22 June 2017


June 22, 2017

Ghana's hottest movie star, Felicity Ama Agyemang, popularly known as Nana Ama Mcbrown is much more prettier in person than in pictures and in movies.


Her humor and liveliness is not just in movies and Tv shows, she is a blast in person.

Her fans are her number "two" priority and she never shuns a fan no matter what.

The African beauty at 43, still has this radiant skin and infectious smile compelling everyone to pause when she enters a room.

Keep soaring Nana!! We love you!!

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Thursday 15 June 2017


June 15, 2017

Like, if this sounds familiar:

Funke snooped through her boyfriend’s phone and found something she didn’t like. She’s been obsessing over it for days, wondering whether that EMOJI was really just a friendly one. “Does it look suggestive? Do you think he’s really watching football? Or is he with that girl from work that he sent that EMOJI to?”

First you’re using your girlfriend’s phone to check the scores while she picks out an outfit for dinner. Then you’re scrolling through her texts. Next thing you know, you’re practicing your ninja skills every time she leaves the room—you silently summersault over to her phone at lightning speed, just to see if anything is amiss. Meanwhile, your heart hammers as you listen for her footsteps coming down the hall. Be warned: if she doesn’t get you, the anxiety of getting caught will.

We’re all a little quirky. Our phones have become a diary for our weirdness. We have silly pictures to cheer us up on a bad day, notes in the notebook app, inside jokes with friends, and many more.
Snooping will end you up in learning things about yourself that you didn’t want to know; Remember that time Jimmy really pushed your buttons because he watched Kumkum Bhagya without you? In the heat of the moment you text your best friend a ton of horrible things that you didn’t really mean but had to say—like how he’s a rotten, TV spoiling jerk with no feelings.

Well, unless you want to hear about all of your flaws, you’re better off not snooping.
In the world of smart phones, dating is a whole new game. We text instead of call. We find perfect matches with the swipe of our thumbs. We start and end relationships by pressing “send”.

Where are the boundaries? With the simple press of a button, you have access to everything your loved one does on their phone- every tweet, text, email, and phone call.
Sure, you are curious. But should you peek? YES! or NO!

The truth to a successful relationship is trust. When you start dating someone, you aren’t just trusting them to be physically faithful anymore. We also expect them to refrain from unfaithfulness when we aren’t looking. The central question to dating nowadays is, can you fully trust someone unless you know what they are doing on facebook or who they are texting? There is no concrete answer, but it is certainly an interesting concept to grapple with.

Every couple has their own protocol for what level of communication is appropriate. Some couple hardly question or think about their partner’s texting and online habits. Some couple too feel the need to know exactly where their partner is and who they are speaking to at all times. The capital offense is snooping through one another’s text messages when they are unauthorized to do so.

I believe that the root reason people go through one another’s phones is more than “curiosity.” I think those who feel the need to go through their partner’s phone are doing so because they aren’t entirely convinced their partner is trustworthy. These hunches seem to be overwhelmingly verified once they go through their partner’s phone but shouldn’t a relationship be based off of an underlying level of trust that is strong enough to stop you from going through their messages?

The unfortunate thing about texting is that sometimes fairly innocent conversations can be perceived as far worse than they really are.
Our virtual lives should be kept private. You shouldn’t have to explain why you answered someone’s text or call. Couples end up arguing about random texting conversations that meant nothing. I think invading our partner’s privacy by going through their messages causes far more harm than good. Innocent things cause arguments.

If you find out your partner is lying or cheating, suddenly you are guilty of invading their personal phone which isn’t a small offense either.

All in all, my personal opinion is that you have no grounds, no matter what the situation is, to go through your partner’s phone. If you are overwhelmingly suspicious that something is going on between your partner and someone else, should you really be with that person anyways?

Relationships are about trust. It takes a long time to build this trust, and just a moment to destroy it. Don’t let that moment be you snooping through your loved one’s phone.

As scary as it can be to place your heart in someone’s hands and trust them not to break it, it’s well worth building a strong, trusting relationship. Besides, would you want your significant other to invade your privacy? Not a chance!

Respect each other’s boundaries and build your relationship on a solid foundation of trust.

Agree? Disagree? Leave your comments

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Thursday 8 June 2017


June 08, 2017

As a woman, you must know how to make your man happy in bed. You should be able to control him in bed for your pleasure and his pleasure too. These are 5 ways to get your man up and running for as long as you want. Sexual drugs are not the solution, you are!


As a lady, your topmost priority must be your body. Every part of your body must be given equal and careful attention. Wash your body very well, especially your armpit and vagina. Use just water to clean your vagina. All these vagina washes and soaps don’t help. Keep the pubic hairs down and neatly trimmed. Have your natural body smell right and add a bit of a mild perfume to spice it up. Girl, you are good to go!


Men are moved by what their eyes see. Wear an attractive monochrome bra and a comfortable under pant, you can try tongs or a laced pant and wear a see- through lingerie over it. Preferably, wear what he likes.

Men are tired of always starting the sex moves. They find it much attractive when their partner initiates sex. Girl, be smart and creative. Send him mind blowing (sexting) messages at work. Get him to come home earlier than he should. Let him lie down and twerk for him. Give him a strip dance and get him hard without a touch. Don’t be too quick to jump on his dick, relax and be patient.

4.       DOMINATE
He always does the work, be on top this time. Whisper things you plan to do to him. Kiss him from his head to his toes. His nipple need some loving, lick and suck softly. Be on a mid-tempo, not too fast and not too slow. Let him crave for you. Give him a blow job for the first ejaculation, lie down in his arms, give soft kisses, talk about something funny and continue with a fore-play after some few minutes of relaxing.

Distraction is one good thing with sex and for your man to last long. Most men think of not ejaculating early but that thought alone gets them to do so. Distract them with new sex positions you have never tried with him before. The more awkward and unfamiliar, the better! When he's about to orgasm, have him stop and wait about a minute or so before going back at it. Squeeze the base of his penis, this is an old one, you can do this with your hand. It’s quite literally stops him from ejaculating. Think of it like bending a hose in half to stop the flow of water, but definitely do not bend his penis in half under any circumstances. Just give it a firm grip.


Subscribe for more updates about how to make your woman reach orgasm.

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